Post No. 33

5 Website Mistakes Small Businesses Make

If you’re reading this, chances are you own a small business. As a small business ourselves, we understand some of the challenges you face. You and your employees may each wear a few hats to make sure you’ve got all the bases covered. With so much already on your plate, it’s easy to let your business website move down on your list of priorities. That’s why we’re sharing 5 common website mistakes small businesses make.

Take a minute to read through these 5 common website mistakes, and then evaluate the condition of your own website.

  1. Not having one.
    The biggest mistake a small business can make is not having a website at all. Sure, word of mouth and quality work will bring in a lot of customers, but neither of those things provide a place for curious individuals to look up reliable information about your company. Word of mouth is limited by how many people you know, but anyone searching the web is able to access a website. Building a website for your business doesn’t have to break the bank. A simple, solid website with a few pages can do wonders for your online presence.

  2. Using poor-quality graphics.
    Your website is no place for pixelated images or unprofessional photos. High-quality graphic design convey professionalism and keep people engaged with your site long enough to understand who you are and how you can help them. Depending on your industry, you may not have to hire a professional photographer for great photos; purchase high-quality stock photos that match your brand.

  3. Non-responsive design.
    Have you ever been browsing on your mobile device, only to come across a website that makes you zoom in or scroll horizontally just to read the content? Annoying, right? Responsive website design solves this problem by adapting a website to every screen size, creating a positive and seamless user experience for every person. After all, over 57% of website traffic comes from smartphones or tablets. If you’ve had someone build your website in the past couple of years, it should be responsive. If you’re not sure, it only takes 30 seconds to check. Look up your website on your phone or tablet; if the words are running off the edge of your phone and you have to do the annoying “zoom and scroll,” your site is not responsive.

  4. Not having a favicon.
    You know that little icon located on the tab of every web page? That square graphic is a favicon. Favicons are really easy to customize on your website, but they’re often overlooked. A customized favicon is a subtle detail that reinforces your brand and professionalism. On the other hand, not having a favicon is a telltale sign that an amateur did your website.

  5. Forgetting about search engine optimization (SEO).
    If you want the right people to find your website, optimizing the meta titles and meta descriptions of every website page is crucial. Spend time researching the keywords that your target audience searches for, and then implement those keywords in your meta titles and descriptions. If SEO is something you’d rather not deal with, give us a call! We’d love to give your business website an SEO tune up to ensure you’re getting the most out of your website.

No matter what industry you’re in, your website should be a priority. From designing and developing a responsive website to optimizing it for SEO, we’re here to help out when you’re ready to take your website to the next level. Contact us today!