Food Friend App

San Francisco, California

A New Brand

For a Fun Food App

We love a good home-cooked meal, so we especially enjoyed helping Michelle bring her Food Friend brand to life. The Food Friend app is designed to make it easier to cook from home by scaling recipes and creating shopping lists. For her logo design, Michelle wanted a memorable character to personify the brand who could also be used in ongoing app design and marketing. After a few sketches and a little design work, the Food Friend brand came to life in the form of a loveable robot.

Logo Design

  • Logo design for "Food Friend" featuring a stylized image of a friendly chef within a green badge, accompanied by the tagline "cook at home more".
  • Logo of "Food Friend" featuring a stylized graphic of a smiling food container with a chef's hat, set against a plain background.
  • An illustration of a stylized, anthropomorphic burrito with a happy expression, arms, and one visible winking eye, accompanied by the text "Food Friend" on a green background.

Brand Colors

Fresh, fun, and friendly colors for this brand.


Color Formula



Color Formula



Color Formula


Brand Icons

  • A line drawing depicting a sequence of a chef and a food friend preparing a dish: checking the recipe, chopping vegetables, cooking on the stove, and finally tasting the meal.
  • A stylized illustration depicting four stages of meal preparation: planning, shopping, cooking, and eating, with each stage represented by a character engaged in the associated activity alongside their Food Friend.
A smiling woman with shoulder-length black hair wearing a blue turtleneck sweater enjoys food with a friend.

“Beautiful design work and amazing customer service! Daor designed our company’s logo within our very short time frame, and we couldn’t be happier! I highly recommend them!”


Co-Founder, Food Friend

Graphic Design Projects